Friday, August 29, 2008

Well, Lucy got $2 from the tooth fairy and $5 from us, so she was totally happy about the whole thing. Lucy started school on Monday and that is going really well. She had a few crazy afternoons of screaming, but I think it was due to exhaustion. She woke up at 4am the morning of school with a bad dream related to watching the execution of Aslan in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. She was just too excited for school that day, so she didn't go back to sleep...he he. By the way...we were visiting some friends when she happened upon some big kids watching that movie. Anyways, Eden and Carmen and I are enjoying the mornings, just chilling at home. It's nice when they are still very entertained with their toys. Eden has also got the hang of entertainment and when nothing is going on she will bring me the remote and point to the tv.....oops!

1 comment:

Emma Lee said...

Wow, she is rakin it in. I only got like a quarter from the tooth fairy! And these democrats say that the American people are getting paid less.