Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grant's Blessing day

The "little man" is what everyone at church called him. He was very dapper..thanks Deans!

Everyone looking tortured, and Eden looking guilty
Family picture in front of the house. The sun was a bit bright, but our eyes are just week from the winter
trying to get the kids to cooperate...not successfully really. And yes--that's the color of my legs, no tights!
Grant and Maymay

Carmen invited 3 friends for a tea party to celebrate her birthday, they had a great time and so did we!
Grant enjoying the party for about 5 seconds before crying


statman said...

Sad we couldn't be there. Glad he liked the clothes :). We miss you and can't wait to see you!

Sarah said...

boo hoo i was i had come. what did eden do to carma?

michiganbliss said...

Oh Katie, he is beautiful. I can only imagine how busy your life is. Can't believe you have four.

Amy said...

I can't believe how fast your family is growing. I love you all!